Saturday, June 03, 2006

On Volunteering...

So today I got the chance to go volunteer to serve a group of volunteers. I got the chance today to go and help with the appreciation luncheon for the RSVP. The RSVP is a group of retired seniors who do volunteer work.

Now I helped set up for the luncheon last year, but I didn’t help with the actual banquet. This year though I was able to attend the luncheon.

Wow. That’s really all I have to say. Those people were so amazing. They were funny and nice and kind. They truly were some of the nicest people that I think I have ever met.
They worked over 125,000 volunteer hours last year. If they had gotten paid minimum wage, they would have earned 2.2 million dollars! How crazy is that?

Now the rest of the luncheon was a different story. For awhile it just turned into political campaign with Chet Edwards giving a 20 minute speech about a bunch of political BS. I mean really, just thank the people who worked so hard, don’t try to campaign. But then again he is a politician…

The music they had this year was pretty nifty too. They had the Texas Country Gentlemen which is like a 15 member barbershop quartet. They were pretty decent and sang some good songs.

My favorite part of the whole thing though was when the TCG sang their last song. They sang God Bless America. For the last verse all of the RSVP members stood up and sang the last verse together. I got the chills. It was so powerful to see 700 retired seniors stand up, unprompted, to sing God Bless America. There was one vet who was near me who almost cried.

All in all it was an amazing time. I really am looking forward to it next year. I never thought that serving food to a bunch of elderly folks would be so great. Plus I got this nifty vest thing I’m so wearing to church tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »

10:12 AM  

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