Thursday, November 02, 2006

Atheist Christian?

This is a quote from an interview with Brian Flemming, the director of a documentary debunking Jesus' very existence.

You refer to yourself as an "atheist Christian." What do you mean by that?

Brian Flemming: Once you're a Christian, I don't think you ever shake being a Christian, and personally I don't want to. When I realized that the first-century science that Christianity proclaims is basically completely wrong, that didn't mean Jesus was evil. It didn't mean Jesus was bad. Jesus is in many ways still a great character. As you see in the movie, when he calls for everybody who doesn't want him to reign over them to be killed, that's not the Jesus I'm talking about. But the Jesus that I hold in my mind as the Jesus who taught me my moral values in many ways, I don't want to lose that. I like Jesus. When I see a picture of Jesus that doesn't make me feel bad, it makes me feel good. I'm an atheist because I only believe those things that can be demonstrated and proved. I don't believe that faith is a good thing at all. But I'm a Christian in that I love Jesus

Now tell me if that makes any sense at all.


Blogger Unknown said...

The problem i see here is that most non-Christians will believe in a certain Jesus that they can come up with based on sources outside of the gospel. Christians believe that the gospels are THE source for understanding Jesus. If you don't hold the gospels as authoritative, then you can pretty much pick and choose your own Jesus, which is extremely problematic. When people do that, it tells us more about that person than about Jesus. It sounds like this guy likes a Jesus who makes him feel good about himself, a Jesus who merely teaches morality. you can do that if you ignore the gospel message.

5:30 PM  
Blogger cruz-control said...


2:42 PM  

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