Saturday, August 26, 2006



Life is a series of choices.

And our previous choices can limit our future ones.

We make choices every day from the mundane to the life-changing.

I chose to put my shoes on before my socks just as much as I chose to give my life to Christ.


I’ve heard it argued that our choices define us.

I chose to believe in Christ, therefore I am a Christian.

I chose to play soccer; therefore I am a soccer player.

I chose to go to college; therefore I am a college student.


The choices we make today affect tomorrow. I believe that with all of my heart.

So why do we make stupid choices?

Why do we choose to do stuff that can hurt us or put us in danger?

Why do we choose to take actions that can damage our witness and the way in which others view us?


I know the luckiest girl in the world. She chose to sneak out of her parent’s house one night and go joyriding with a friend. She’s and her friend are both 13. Her friend was driving but lost control of the vehicle because she wasn’t trained in how to properly drive a car. The car crashed and the girl I know was thrown from the car. She got a concussion, two broken ribs, six broken vertebrae, a punctured lung, and she lost a part of one of her kidneys.

I say she’s lucky because today she can walk.

But she made a stupid choice.

For the rest of her life she will have scars.

For the rest of her life she will not be able to play any sport that has contact.

For the rest of her life she will be missing a piece of one of her organs.


The choices you make today affect your future.

Don’t make choices today that can hurt your future.

You may not be so lucky.



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