Sunday, July 23, 2006

What are we thinking?

Today in church we had two couples decide to join our congregation. After they were introduced to the church, our Minister of Music asked someone to pray for us. A lady in the back shouted out, "We forgot to vote on them!"

What are we thinking?

What are we doing voting on members of our church?

Since when can we decide who gets to be a part of our church?

Are we not supposed to be a church of God?

Didn't God tell us to love all people (Lev 19:18)?

Wasn't Jesus all about sharing with everybody?

What are we thinking?

I know that it's in our church's bi-laws that we are to vote on new members... but again I ask why?

Why can't we just affirm them in their decision, or better yet, welcome them into our family?

What are we thinking?


Blogger Attempting To Follow The Way said...

man i missed that to get my behind handed to me in a baseball game in the Texas heat. bad trade off...

9:58 PM  

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