Lady in the Water...
When you consider a modern day fairy tale, no matter how twisted, ideal descriptions include "enchanting," "engaging," and "magical." They do not include "silly," "ridiculous," and "laughable." Unfortunately, in the case of Lady in the Water, the latter group of adjectives is the one that applies. This is the biggest misfire of M. Night Shyamalan's career, including his pre-Sixth Sense movies. In addition to being dull and uninvolving, the film fails to draw in the viewer sufficiently to facilitate suspension of disbelief, which allows the plot to resemble a rejected Ed Wood screenplay. For those who though Shyamalan was stretching and not playing fair in The Village, you ain't seen nothing yet.
-A Film Review by James Berardinelli
I say poop on you Mr. James Berardinelli!
Lady in the Water was a great movie.
The movie was not about some silly fairy tale though. LIke every single M. Night Shyamalan movie, there was much more to the plot that just the action. His movies involve deep twists and themes. Lady in the Water was no exception.
I don't want to ruin the movie for those of you who haven't seen it yet, but don't just look at the surface movie. Go in to that theater searching for meaning behind the story, look for parallels and symbols to every day life. If all you see is some silly story, then you only saw a movie, you didn't watch it.
Shymalan is a creative genius, and as is the case with most other geniuses, generally misunderstood.
This is my new list of favorate M. Night Shymalan movies in order, with the reasons that I like them...
1) The Sixth Sense - what a awesome twist at the end
2)Unbreakable - The theme of deep balance in the universe
3)The Village - Yet another great twist
4)Lady in the Water - The themes of everybodies purpose and of healing
5)Signs - yet again, the theme of no coincidences
If you don't like any of M. Night's movies, I strongly suggest that you go back and re-watch the movies again, but this time actually think about it as you watch it.
-A Film Review by James Berardinelli
I say poop on you Mr. James Berardinelli!
Lady in the Water was a great movie.
The movie was not about some silly fairy tale though. LIke every single M. Night Shyamalan movie, there was much more to the plot that just the action. His movies involve deep twists and themes. Lady in the Water was no exception.
I don't want to ruin the movie for those of you who haven't seen it yet, but don't just look at the surface movie. Go in to that theater searching for meaning behind the story, look for parallels and symbols to every day life. If all you see is some silly story, then you only saw a movie, you didn't watch it.
Shymalan is a creative genius, and as is the case with most other geniuses, generally misunderstood.
This is my new list of favorate M. Night Shymalan movies in order, with the reasons that I like them...
1) The Sixth Sense - what a awesome twist at the end
2)Unbreakable - The theme of deep balance in the universe
3)The Village - Yet another great twist
4)Lady in the Water - The themes of everybodies purpose and of healing
5)Signs - yet again, the theme of no coincidences
If you don't like any of M. Night's movies, I strongly suggest that you go back and re-watch the movies again, but this time actually think about it as you watch it.
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